A director identification number (DIN) is a unique identifying number assigned to a person who wishes to become a director or is already a director of a corporation. DIN is obtained by submitting an application in eForm DIR-3, which was originally intended to be a one-time process for anyone wishing to become a director of one or more companies.
However, as a result of an amendment to MCA’s register, all directors with DIN are now required to submit their KYC details in e-Form DIR 3 KYC every year.
As mentioned above, Every director shall inform all the companies in which he/ she is a director, of the DIN allotted to him/her in Form DIR-3B within 30 days of the receipt of intimation of approval of DIN. Similarly, the Secretary and Manager of a company shall inform the company of their Income-tax Permanent Account Number (PAN). The company needs to further information about the DIN of the directors to the Registrar in Form DIR-3C within 15 days of receiving the intimation.
The documents required to file reform DIR 3 KYC is as follows: